You may want to remind them there is a limit on the # of SI emails a user can send. I think it was 200 unless that limit was removed.The Forward suggestion is pointless because an ...
Christina,Since Forms can be used on more than one page, you cannot report on Form fill outs using the Report tool. You must use a Smart List to say "Filled Out Form IS "X"" and le...
Yes, so Anonymous Leads are removed after 90 days and so are things like web activity for all records. There's an article about archiving activities someplace.You can "opt out" of ...
I'd suggest my blog once they've done the Tutorials and taken a few key steps into sending emails or setting up lead management:
What seems to work well for me is1 SFDC Admin1 Marketo Admin/Power User1 web/javascript gururegional marketing managers as needed who can seek training and advice from the first tw...
Greg,Cloning a page will always drop it outside the Test Group. I agree that this is a terrible UI issue.Once you've cloned the page, you can then use the Add to Test Group functio...
mkt_unsubscribe=1 probably sets the form to be pre-filled. Is it pre-filled?How are you setting up the two separate links to each unsub page? Did you edit the default unsub footer ...
Gabe,Take a look at some of the articles on using javascript with Marketo forms. You should find links to these articles here: