That token is just for tagging the lead.Marketo will append this token on all links unless you ask otherwise. The reason it is on the Unsubscribe link in the Admin section is to en...
No you need 1 email and then you get to choose the subject lines and the winning criteria. could of course setu...
Hi folks,I know the CEO here and I'm posting on his behalf. are setting up a very interesting B...
I would recommend Matt's suggestion to pull the leads into a second stream with a different cadence.You could do Cheryl's suggestion, but know that Programs will run independently ...
So are the email changes occuring in the email client or in the Marketo Email Editor?I've had a lot of issues getting the editor to stick with the intended line spacing...Otherwise...
Rachel,My team would be happy to help. We are all long time Marketo users who started in Marketing and can both extend your team to get things done and advise on how to get it done...
Are you doing this on a Marketo page?You may need to remove the tracking code using mktNoTrack in the Class area. You may also need to put in %20 in the spaces.