You can use a choiceIf Lead Score is at Least 100, then do nothingIf Lead Score is below -100, then do nothing.If you want to setup a separate flow, you can say, if Lead Score > 10...
Hey folks, I tried to do what Jeff suggests and it does not work if you use Change Score because this flow step won't recognize a "-" before a token. That'd be nice.It DOES work if...
You can also test your PPC offer to get closer to 1% conversion at the form. What Matt said is good advice.You might find your time is better used doing guest posts or other outrea...
You can do this with campaign summary reports too. Just click on the Campaign.You can't show the trends unless you sort by Created At and pull the numbers at a regular interval.
Yes,Setup a campaign with a Sent Forwarded Email trigger or Received Forwarded Email...this assumes the Sales Email has a fwd to friend link.Flow: Send Alert or Create Task.