I only do specific 250ok sends. The volume is so small it's meaningless for reporting.I also set a flag Seedlist Member=T which can be used to filter out people in reports or in ot...
And by that you can do a search for Bounced codes or SMTP Codes.There is also a doc somewhere on the forum with Marketo's Category Bounce Codes that you can access via the Bounced ...
The links you provided are unique to your instance, so we cannot see those. Post a screenshot.When the person becomes Known, Marketo will attempt to re-score any Visit Pages which ...
Yes, it is 1:1. It will throw an error if you try to associate it to another Program. It is generally best practice to NOT do this due to the impact it can have on Lead Lifecycle r...
You can use a batch to listen for If Clicked Link in Email 1, then do X. Do not try to do this with the Transition button.If you use the same Assets in both Streams, then the Lead ...
It's probably a longer conversation. Depends if you bought Marketo as an agency provider, rather than a regular instance. Could also depend on how you want to handle client domain ...