It's not easy. I did this analysis once and don't want to again.You need to find everyone who received at least ONE email on a day.Then you need everyone who received at least TWO ...
I have tried this. The scanners do see that link and try it and also block your email and then create a Visit Page. So sure, you could block that lead. I am skeptical that this wou...
Yes, thank you.I wonder a couple of things:Is the Footer part of a Snippet or managed by Dynamic Content?If you made this change in Snippets but didn't approve it, then nothing cha...
Marketo needs to fix this.We had this happen and now it's triggering visits pages on our attempted spam scanner trap. It might become self aware one day.
You mean it will flag it as spam.Example:From: Josh Hill <>ReplyTo: events@company.comI see this alot.Now, if you use Siftrock, you can filter out replies regardles...
That field may require special attention if it's an SFDC system field.The steps involve putting the field on both Lead and Contact, then mapping it on conversion. Then expose it to...