Please provide more information and more specific examples. Your website URLs and screenshots would be helpful if you can share.Also, do not use munchkin to mimic the kind of repor...
The target Triggered campaign must be ACTIVE in order for it to be visible in the Request Campaign flow step.It so happens that if you fill in the Flow Step and then shut down the ...
I suspect there are a few issues in addition to what you said:trigger activating before the data is completetoken in HTML is broken somehow and Marketo didn't pick it up. I've seen...
Depends greatly on the kind of data and if you are able to compare your existing data match rate.LeadSpaceLeanDataRingLeadOceanic?DNB >> ideal for Company and Hierarchy base dataIn...
Yes, you can control this sync if desired. As Drew mentioned, it requires you to think through the general lifecycle of data and then to consider the specific situations.If you lev...
this is the standard way.Also, many people say "Delete these people immediately." WAIT.Once they sign up, you can now track them and watch what your competition is interested in on...
There was an error this week where smart lists did not resolve. i do not know if it was on all Pods or not.I'd call your Account Manager if you aren't getting info from marketo sup...
I believe that's the desired behavior if the Lead doesn't qualify for the nested Program. I thought it used to just ignore it or get caught in Purgatory (though that part was fixed...