An alternative is to Paste Marketo Forms onto your main website using Embed CodeCreate custom Forms that use the API to inject leads into Marketo (or a third db that is connected).
what does this code do? What do you want it to do?Anytime you mess with the base functionality, you may need to custom rebuild the Form.Are you pasting this into the Form's CSS box...
I'm looking for an email and page developer to join my team.RingCentral Job Description Openings Key Projects that are really going to stretch you and make you more valuable.Scalin...
A smart list will also help get you a specific LEAD count and show you the exact people who received one or more emails. Depends a bit on your configuration.Was Sent Email or Was D...
You should import leads into the proper Acquisition Program for each Event, Tradeshow, List Vendor (and date), etc... this is how Marketo works.Your scoring system will listen for ...