Hi Michael,To set up a webhook, first, you need to subscribe to a webhook platform. Use a free one here, you do not need any advanced functionality. Look into BrightHooks, Hoosh or...
Hi Eric,You are right, Marketo cannot see the SFDC Opportunity product table and it cannot even be sync'ed as a custom object. Give a look to this : Marketo / salesforce integratio...
Another point that is very important top everyone, the French CNIL has announced that they will not sue nor fine companies during the first year, unless some obvious misconduct has...
Hi Michael,No, unfortunately, there is no other possibility than the smart list way.Some more flexibility exists with Marketo advanced reporting (RCE), which is a paid option, so n...
Hi Dave,You can easily combine both approaches using the last code corrected by Sanford and get with a method that, if not as easy to use as it should be, at least will be scalable...
Hi Michelle,I read your article with interest and liked it. Thank you !I might add some comments on a couple of points though :The point about the cookie consent is not that clear,...
Hi Troy,You should move your question to Products where it belongs. Champion Program is for questions about the program itself and very few people will see your question there.The...