Yes, 50% of 1% will give you 0.5%. But as Sanford points out, the risk is to get 0 as a result. It really depends on the DB sample.When I need 5 or 10 leads for a test, I browse th...
Hi Gerard,You probably do not want to unsubscribe them before, you should rather do it after. It's easy to define a smart list to get the list or Marketo persons that were created ...
Hi Gerard,This is a very important question you are raising here. Marketo is better than SFDC to track opt-in, mainly because Marketo has an audit trail of field changes in the act...
Hi Erica,Same for me, the notification, then the apologies. The problem is, the emails do not have any instance identification information, so it's even impossible to know what ins...
Hi Lee-Ann,the simplest way would be to use a webhook to recompute the actual date or the 65th anniversary date and store it in another field. Look into the lauchpoint to find some...
Hi Amelia,Everything is possible, but testing it widely is more likely to bring you enough data so that you can leverage it and validate or invalidate your scoring design.It's alwa...