There's been somegood discussion on this topic in previous posts. Check out these two:Individual Lead Email Summary Report\Is there a report to show how many emails are sent to eac...
So, there might be an easier way to do this, but I was able to get at it through a reverse process.First, create a list of everyone who was sent your holiday email AND has been sen...
My first thought is to usea Program Performance report which will show you the numberof people who are members of your engagement program,along with the number or percent reach who...
To Natalie Kremer's point, double-check your from email address and check to see if Marketo sent you an error message. Also check with your IT team - we've had issues with not rec...
Editing: If you're using one of the Marketo templates, you'll want to edit the colors via HTML.Previewing: Based on your screenshot, your "preview on site" url is empty; did you ad...
Do you anticipate a user trading in multiple items all at once, or would they come back in the future and trade in additional items?If they're trading in their items all at once, y...
Was going to add this! Take a hard look at access - it's easier to start with more restrictive access then open it up later as users learn the platform than to start in the wild wi...