Our suggestion would be to send an email with a link that will transfer the user to a registration page which will contain a form to fill out and a "register" button (if it is a kn...
Email that is sent from an engagement program can be sent only once, I think that the issue might be with the "Send Email" step that comes before the "Add to engagement Program". S...
Hi,Can you add some screenshots of the trigger that you set, "send email D1 if D1 is not sent, otherwise send D2"? It is a little bit complicated to understand it in text. I am als...
Hi,Can you elaborate on the question:1. Are those leads still in the system? (can you find them in the database).2. Do you have a webinar program that consists some smart campaigns...
Hi, It is not possible to use it in a form, however, you can use a smart campaign and change data value.You can read more about it: Using Tokens in a Form