Hi Spencer,Yes, I've done this before, I created a program in Marketo, synced it with SFDC campaign and every new lead that was added to this campaign by sales, was added to this p...
For me, it's extremely slow, no matter what type of instance I'm using (and I have access to more than 15 instances)Would like to hear your inputs Thanks,Ronen Wasserman
Hi Devin,It is a little bit tricky. Using "hi [first name]" is personal but not flattery - It is like you introduce yourself to someone: "Hi Jim, I'm Ronen". Words like "dear" rese...
Don'ts:Never use “dear” or “hello” when addressing someone you don’t know well.Avoid polite text such as “I hope this email finds you well”; you’re writing to someone who doesn’t k...
Hi Riz,We use a research team who does the job for us. They are building a list, specified for our needs. they have methods to find the exact leads we need.but one way or another, ...
Hi Katryn,When SDFC lead becomes a contact, some of his fields become contact fields and some become account fields. You should check your field mapping in Marketo and see if the C...