Hmmm. As far as I'm aware, the unsubscribe link should still appear - unless, perhaps, it's inside of another token? Marketo doesn't play nicely with nested tokens.
Once you change them to Registered, everything should be back to working properly. It's a pain, for sure. I know a few people have experienced the integration breaking recently. I ...
This is a good suggestion for registration errors. I had this happen recently. My issue wasn't a connection issue, but instead was because the registrant used a random special char...
Perhaps this is what you're looking for? Multiple Domains (CNAMEs) in a Single Marketo InstanceThe issue being all of your pages will be available under that CNAME. And it appears ...
Have you looked into the leads' Activity Logs to see if there was a change in status (or an error during the change in status) that would have prevented them from switching to Regi...
If I'm understanding correctly, that's something you'll need to work on with your IT team and your domain provider (unless anyone else has other ideas!) But that's not something th...
You can email reports to any email address, regardless of whether or not they are a Marketo user. You can unsubscribe people from receiving the emails by clicking on the "Subscript...