I was advised to instead create a Web Page Activity report because Marketo doesn't filter out bots from the Landing Page report. The Web Page Activity report has worked well using ...
I agree that templates.marketo.com is a great place to start. You can also get responsive ones from knak. They easily tie into Marketo and you get one editable one for free (though...
Before running a campaign, I naturally test that the forms and logic are working; however, I'd like to remove those test conversion from my Landing Page reports. Is there a way to ...
Indeed you can! If you click on the "View" drop-down (top left), select "View: Summary". Once on that page, you can click on the Program name and it will allow you to edit it.
Technical issues aside, if the campaign is synced between Marketo and SFDC, you don't need to add the "Change Status in SFDC Campaign" flow step. If you just change the Program Sta...
Ah, yes, I misunderstood. What Courtney Marshall wrote above is correct. If you add two triggers, Marketo will read that as an OR statement and qualify leads that meet either cond...
If you need a trigger, you can try the "Data Value Changes" trigger, where the Attribute is "Source Detail" and the Constraint is "New Value EQUALS X". To filter, you can try "Data...