By default, the company web activity provides information that comes from the Reverse IP lookups. Fine when you have only very large companies visiting your website, but almost use...
In my experience, symbols are notorious for doing crazy things in emails (with any email sending service, not just Marketo) and it's best to type them in manually using their alt c...
Nice! For some reason, that seems less than what I remember, but maybe that's just because we didn't need to use it so in-depth at the time so it seemed out of scope. I just checke...
SurveyMonkey is my go-to tool because you can rig the form completion to send user to a Marketo landing page, which helps with tracking who completed which survey. That said, you h...
As far as I'm aware, there's no clever/automatic way to send the webinar recording. What I've done is export the recording (making sure to convert the file outside of GTW's default...
Thanks, Josh! It did send over an hour later, though not without quite a bit of hard bounces that I'm not sure could be related - some of them are quite bizarre. I submitted a supp...
Here's something I've never encountered before: I sent an email (via Email Program) nearly 20 minutes ago, and all campaign members (~1500) are stuck in the "Send Email" state. I'v...
When I run a Smart List of "Inferred Company IS 'X'", four results are returned, two of which are within the past 30 days.However, when I visit the Company Web Activity report (wit...