Could they just subscribe to the Lead Feed that shows all interesting moments as they happen? They'd have to put the rss into a feed reader, but this was the recommended practice w...
They will be sent in that order, so you're correct: they should receive the Recycled 2 email at the next cast date unless they have received that exact email before as part of an...
Are they new leads? If so, you might be able to use "Lead Created".Otherwise, you could create a field (ex: Form Completed Date) and add this as a hidden field to your form with a ...
How are your Program Statuses set up? Could you mark all existing successes as non-successes and then alter your trigger campaign with the new filter information? That way, you can...
I think it will entice people top opt in, but they won't be the type of people you'll want to communicate with and there's a high probability they'll opt out soon thereafter (or wo...
Have you tried creating a Smart List with the "Visited Web Page" filter to see if anyone shows up there? Might be a long shot, but I'd check that just in case.
I agree with Robb Barrett PRD that a contest/prize won't be the way to go here. I worry you won't get the qualified leads you're looking for. In other words, they'll opt in for the...