Lots of organizations have trouble aligning their marketing and sales teams. It’s not uncommon, and it (kind of) makes sense when you think about it! Marketing and sales typically ...
Looks great, search is the primary method manypeople use to find answers to questions they have so any and all improvements to enable a more holistic search tool is time well spent...
Love the simplification of Idea labels, and great to know about bookmarks.New UI looks much cleaner, easier to navigate, easier to follow/keep track of topics and discussions which...
> 3. Always be yourself.Couldn't agree more. I love thesaying, Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
Tokens are perfect for cascading rules or multiple variables that would be too large to build as a segmentation in Marketo!This is a great writeup for the use cases for each type o...