Taking a stab at this.
What about using advanced Wait steps? The schedule of the campaign would be set to run monthly and you would have an advanced wait step in the f...
Hi @Danielle_Wong
With regards to the Dynamics records syncing into Marketo - it is always best to merge these records in the CRM and then allowing it to flow down into Marketo. Th...
I have a question on what are you considering as a stream. Do you perhaps only have 1 email in a stream?
The important caveat when removing a stream is that you ne...
Not sure of the best recommended SLA. However, I have used on 1 hour on average before polling the batch id to check for completion.
I would either go with the velocity setup or using a generic email address (suggested by Sanford) as opposed to not engaging or communicating with your customers at...
I do not believe you can limit users from editing Smart Lists. This would be an existing limitation for User Roles and Permissions.
Not a full solution, but there is the Opportunity Influencer Report:Tell the Marketing Story with an Opportunity Influence Analyzer | Adobe Marketo
Unfortunately thi...
The notifications are mostly for errors or failures with some crm based config changes - examples below.
You can view the notifications area on the top right of the Market...