Courtney's approach is solid... BUT it can lead to confusion as the email editor also has a location to enter pre-header text now. As long as users are well trained...
can you show the flow section rather than the smart list section. That's what is generating the error (FWIW I'm picking up on the 'step' commentary in the error lo...
OK. So, the approach to take here is to:
create a map with your data.
iterate through your list of courses, and for each one, output a paragraph from the map
Something a bi...
What about this:
Create a text token for each paragraph text. Name them meaningfully (intro_text_nursing, intro_text_marketing etc.)
Create a velocity token that:
has a map from ...
that 'hardness' allows for a LOT of flexibility.
The fact that you can code your own HTML means that you've got no excess weight from some template builder's decis...
creating a template IS an HTML (plus some Marketo extensions) exercise.
creating an email FROM a template is a drag and drop exercise, as it uses the modules create...