There is good intel here:https://nation.marketo.com/t5/champion-program-blogs/email-template-quick-start-guide/ba-p/344792
It misses some stuff, but in terms of basics ...
Outlook supports fairly limited HTML. It's very frustrating. You need to become familiar with VML if you want to become expert at email template coding (not just Market...
OK, so this is confusing. If all you're trying to do is share the file with a partner, why are you trying to do it via Marketo? Why don't you just give them the OF...
Are you trying to get a prebuilt email that you can give to a partner (in this case MS) so that they can in turn use that email to promote a co-hosted event?
yes - you can do a 'fall back' colour
yes - you can have a background image
yes - you can overlay text
yes - you can do these as variables.
WATCH OUT - Outlook will nee...
OFTs are a native Outlook email format. I'd not be at all surprised if the Marketo Email builder breaks them in some manner (I'd need to see the generated output)....
Other than your recent post, there have been no posts in this thread for nearly 10 years.
I have not experienced an issue with this for many years.
What makes you think t...