Focussing on the link tracking issue for now, is there a theoretical maximum number of fund updates one person can receive?
BTW - I have several thoughts on how to...
Really, I'm just re-iterating what @SanfordWhitemanhas already said. I think you need to look at the destination and see why that's blocking calls at that time.
It fee...
There are a few ways to skin that cat.
One would be to have a single smart campaign with all registrants in the audience, and wait steps to send each email on the right date (with ...
Add all the parameters for the event into the keymap (the way you added title).
Then use a link to agical (read all about it herehttps://blog.teknkl.com/introducing-agical...
Yep. Just create a very simple token that has in it
And pop that in the subject. Fortunately, Marketo does the body processing before the subject line processing, s...
getting out in front of the link question that'll be coming next. Do it like this. You don't need to replicate the styles, html etc. etc. etc.
#set( $allEventDetails = {