Thanks for the response. In answer to your questions allow me to elaborate:"I'd love to know the nature of the weekly bugs you are reporting. "Here's one specific...
@44MattWolf44, there is a lot of truth in what@Dave_Robertshas said.
Out of interest, if you use Marketo's built in bot filtering, what kind of results do you see?
This post interests me for a couple of reasons:
Quite a lot of what you say is correct. However, Marketo is actively supported and is still having features added. The U...
If I'm reading this right, you want all three of the filters to be AND correct?
If so, you don't need advanced filters. Just set the whole thing to ALL filters.
@mikaelakelly,just to extend on@SanfordWhiteman's point; I completely agree with Sanford about using a datetime. In your smart list, you can test for is not empty. If someone wants...
Today (August 28, 2023) I noticed borders on my buttons stopped rendering in Office365 on MacOS 12 and MacOS 13. They were working fine everywhere else. It appearsbe related to Mic...
@Carl_Delafonta2, you missed a key word in@pp's original post. Namely 'dynamic'.
The landing page can be different for every person, so you can't use a client side plug in to save...