is there an obvious thing I am missing? I'd like to delay a scheduled send that is set to go on a specified date of the month (let's say the 7th November for a valid example) ...
Oh - And further to the technicalities, I'd hope your display values would be human readable (i.e. Alberta for AB).
Much better for accessibility if nothing else.
I don't quite understand the question.
Is it 'how do I set up visibility rules'? This isn't a workflow, just form configuration.
If so, the common mistake that peop...
what tool were you using to edit your CSV file?
I hate Excel as it does all kinds of weird things, and makes assumptions you can't readily override.
If you want a nice...
Dear Doctor, can you tell me why my leg hurts? My Wife says I have a leg. My other leg doesn't hurt
Seriously however, this would be a...
If you are doing a list import, how can you expect a program name to be attached. A list can be in the database (i.e. not attached to a program at all).
Can you gain extra data fro...
there aren't wild cards but you do have contains and not contains
You could create a filter that was along these lines
you may need to use advanced filters to create a comb...
Yes you can do that, and there are different use cases for both the Velocity approach, and the Smart List approach.
Smart List
You'd use this if you (e.g.) only ...