OK. So, the approach to take here is to:
create a map with your data.
iterate through your list of courses, and for each one, output a paragraph from the map
Something a bi...
What about this:
Create a text token for each paragraph text. Name them meaningfully (intro_text_nursing, intro_text_marketing etc.)
Create a velocity token that:
has a map from ...
that 'hardness' allows for a LOT of flexibility.
The fact that you can code your own HTML means that you've got no excess weight from some template builder's decis...
creating a template IS an HTML (plus some Marketo extensions) exercise.
creating an email FROM a template is a drag and drop exercise, as it uses the modules create...
gotcha. I've not used Cvent so I can't speak from firsthand experience.
Do they push all the data about the tracks attended to you in any form? Alternatively, is there a...