gotcha. I presume the easiest way to do this is to wrap all the code after this
#set( $currentSeminarList = $lead.metlifecompetitiondatas2 )
with this
#if( $curre...
Hmm... so my code now looks like this (and seems to be working)
#set( $allSeminarDetails = {
"ABC" : {
"blurb":"Postman Pat",
"date":"24 Aug",
You don't need to pre-set attendees in the details Map, though it's nicely informative if you do.
You aren't using this variable:
#set( $attendees = $curr...
@SanfordWhiteman (and for the general amusement and hopefully edification of others),
I've made solid progress. My code is working as expected, and I'm getting to grips with the st...
So, in my string, I actually get something like:
The code gives me the seminar, and the number is the attendees.
Ultimately, my allSeminarDetails map ...
I can switch to string keys quite happily and easily 🙂.
I'm always happy to find nicer/better ways of doing things especially as it avoids the ghastly nested loo...
So a nested loop in other words :).... Darn it I was hoping for something more elegant!Thanks for the help@SanfordWhiteman
Next silly question. in this line here:
#set( $void = $cu...
@SanfordWhitemanyes - this is in a token.
I've tweaked things and made it behave, so now my next challenge.
How to take my split string, and find each matching value in an array.
Basic as in simple.. not as in BASIC (sorry - old person language joke)
I have this simple piece of code
#set ($seminarList = "A;1|B;5|C;3")
#foreach ($myitem in $seminarList.spli...
Sanford, done
Removed Response Mapping
Saved with no mappings
Added in Response Mapping
Saved with mapping
Called.. no joy. And I swear it was working at 02:00 this morning...