That was it!! I had to allow myself to run through the program every time. I also moved the smart campaigns and landing pages into an operational folder for the webinar programs, a...
Hello!I have never created one landing page for the same live webinar held on two different dates that will not be reoccurring... I created a new form to include the dates with a n...
Hi Kyle, Thank you for your reply. The Add to Calendar token/file lives within the event program (at the program level) and the confirmation email also lives within the same event ...
Hey Corey, tokens do work inside other tokens. If you open the image I posted, you'll see a little black square image to the right of the description field and if you click that- i...
Hey guys!Webinar token question...We're using local (my) tokens at the program level for an "Add to Calendar" link within a webinar confirmation email. The "Add to Calendar" token ...
My apologies, Sanford. As a somewhat newer Marketo user who hasn't had to delve into using Tokens much (if at all), I don't have experience with using those yet. I'll try the lead ...
Hey fellow marketers!We're trying to find a way to use tokens dynamically to personalize our email sends from different sales reps. Does anyone know how to do this and what kind of...