I've asked related questions before, but I'm still confused.In my Field Database, I have:Sales OwnerContact OwnerAccount OwnerHowever, if I try to use tokens to send emails from va...
Update:Ok, I had that a little mixed up and was using a different field for name, so that's why it wasn't matching the email, HOWEVER, I still have a problem.The Lead Owner is appa...
I'm sending an email from our recruiters and using the tokens Lead Owner First Name, Lead Owner Last Name, and Lead Owner Email Address. The names are pulling in ok, but for some r...
This might be a novice question, but where in a stream do leads join? For example, say I have seven emails in a stream. Lead A transitions to said stream after it has been running ...
I've been through all the segmentation and snippet docs, but I didn't quite understand how it worked. Would I need to create 31 different segments, one for each combination?
I work at a college and we had the idea to send our applicants a monthly check-in email showing the steps they have completed as well as the steps they still need to take to become...
The article you sent uses forms 2 API. My webmaster doesn't think this will work since we use Drupal webforms.Also, and I may not be understanding this correctly, but it looks as t...