Lead Owner Email Incorrect

Level 2

Lead Owner Email Incorrect

I'm sending an email from our recruiters and using the tokens Lead Owner First Name, Lead Owner Last Name, and Lead Owner Email Address. The names are pulling in ok, but for some reason it's pulling in the wrong email address. Any ideas as to why? Shouldn't the email be tied to the name of the owner? 

Level 10

Re: Lead Owner Email Incorrect

The default fields for sales owner are what ever is set by the sales person in their profile. So check that they have filled out their profile correctly,

The other possibility, you've mixed up the tokens... double check you're not looking at sales owners names and account owners emails

Level 2

Re: Lead Owner Email Incorrect

Update: Ok, I had that a little mixed up and was using a different field for name, so that's why it wasn't matching the email, HOWEVER, I still have a problem.

The Lead Owner is apparently the same as the Sales Owner? The problem is the Sales Owner is incorrect for a number of my leads. Will the Change Owner flow step fix that? Is that the right type of "owner"? 

Level 10

Re: Lead Owner Email Incorrect

Yes you can use change owner so your leads in Marketo have the right Sales Owner.

To clarify,

Sales Owner in Marketo is to Lead Owner for Leads and Contact Owner for Contacts in Salesforce.

Account Owner in Marketo is to Account Owner in Salesforce. 

Sales Owner doesn't always equal Account Owner

Most B2B sales organisations work on accounts and mainly use the account owner, which makes life hard for Marketing. To make Sales owner equal to Account owner in Salesforce, you need to build a rule in the process builder.

Level 2

Re: Lead Owner Email Incorrect

That helps, thank you!