Question for you. I'm trying to create a fancy email that will do something like the following:1. Knowing your city of residence, work out the temperature today. If it's cold, proc...
Hi NikkiCould you clarify for me? When you say "people to not get dupes" but also "qualify for a second time through", isn't that the same thing? If you could qualify again, wouldn...
Ah well. Time to bite the bullet I think. Folder level token, then update every subject line manually to be that token. At least it's one update if it ever needs changing again.Ah,...
Would be perfect....but unfortunately all of these emails were set up with hardcoded subject lines So unless I go through and replace them all with tokens (which is future-proofed...
Hi GrégoireUnfortunately that's the original endpoint I was using, which gives me the error it seems there is no way to update the subject line unless the emails are in...
Thanks Grégoire! No I wasn't aware of that endpoint....seems quite handy! Forgive my naivety...but is it possible to update subject lines using that endpoint? Updating the HTML is ...
Hey teamI know that within the "Setup" tab of a program in Marketo you can sync with a Salesforce Campaign. What I'm wondering is - does Marketo enforce a 1:1 relationship here? Or...
I think Mike's suggestion is the cleanest way to accomplish this. We have something a little similar whereby before each cast we change program statuses for everyone who shouldn't ...
I just tried to update an email subject line via the API and got the following error:{ "requestId": "e064#161345f3192", "success": false, "errors": [ { "code": "709", "message": "A...