Hi TamirI'm guessing you mean sending offline conversions to Adwords, using the Marketo revenue model?I tried this a few years ago and found out that the reason it wasn't working w...
Yep! So we used the "Event" program and selected "Zoom" as the vendor. Then, you connect it to the webinar ID in Zoom (make sure your user is listed in the "managed people" section...
Hi RondoFor some reports (eg. Person Performance) you can add in custom columns based on smart lists (https://docs.marketo.com/display/public/DOCS/Add+Custom+Columns+to+a+Person+Re...
Yes, the first approach is validation of the model, while the second is validation of the actions you are taking as a result of the model.I believe you could launch either test at ...
Ok so we have just started to set this up and I see the ten person limitation. We can fit within this so it's not a big deal, but I can see how that would be annoying otherwise.I'm...
If you're worried about form completion rates, instead of a large country dropdown that is visible you could have a checkbox which is something like "I live in the United States". ...
I'd love to know this too Rick, I'll have a play around and see what I can come up with. We are also a global org with multiple geos and companies, so our use case is likely simila...
Hi RobertI'm guessing they are email casts, not nested programs that contain the emails? If so then that makes it a little more problematic. With a nested program you can "make peo...
Hi KatieSince this isn't a Marketo-specific question, you will likely find more success on the Email Geeks Slack community under the #code channel. The community is very responsive...
Yep, all possible, we have exactly the situation you are describing with custom objects in Marketo.We use Salesforce ID as our unique identifier, and have people with duplicated em...