Hi Nevin, the form fillout should create a new record, or update an existing record in your Marketo lead database depending on whether or not the email address used in the fillout ...
Hi David, you can do this by going to the landing page > Landing page actions > URL tools > Edit URL settings. Here you will be able to rename it to something much more friendly.
Hi Nevin, if you use the trigger "Fills out form" or the filter "Filled out Form" to add someone to a campaign, then you can have all of a record's information in that program. You...
Hey Abe, as Kristen suggested I think it will be good enough for your reporting going forward if you've bunched things into at least a yearly folder, or maybe into folders by type ...
Hey Jonathan, you can only capture information when the URL contains this information. So if someone goes directly to www.marketo.com, then there won't be any UTM information. You ...
Hey Cecile, I've noticed a couple of random errors that I didn't really take much stock of until you mentioned it. Maybe if you grab some screenshots and send them off to support, ...