Hi Kenny.. sorry, I forgot to put in my initial question that sometimes we want the campaign to be triggered after they've been to that page -- but not necessarily right when they ...
For those using RTP... Is it possible to trigger campaigns to show based on actual activity on a website, such as getting to a certain page (not necessarily after a certain number ...
Hi Lindsay, if someone is marked as email invalid then Marketo won't try to email them again -- and they won't be counted in future deliverability/send metrics.
Updating the record for any where the email address isn't the issue shouldn't be so bad as Marketo dedupes on email address. You could simply upload a list, and assuming that none ...
I don't know if I'd say that University Day is geared toward newer users.. The track 4 from last year was definitely not geared towards new users, and even if you use Marketo day i...
Hi Shannan, there's also this idea which would rename email suspended to email was suspended so that it's clearer for people who don't live and breathe Marketo to understand that t...
Hi Monique, I have had limited success using Marketo from my Galaxy S3 and S5. Sometimes I'm able to see a full window/dashboard, and other times I can't because the window cuts of...
Hi Halid, I'm not sure if it was an isolated incident that I had because Marketo never was really able to clarify, but last time I tried to send my sample to 100% of my test group,...