The easiest way to accomplish this would be to create duplicate versions of the same email. Marketo knows not to send the 'same' email not by its content, but by its ID. But, I wou...
We haven't gone with Tableau at this point because we didn't find a great way to manage the API calls (we didn't try very hard, though). I have had several sit-downs with my Sales ...
Hi Carey, it's an overall number -- but, like many other Marketo metrics it is a proprietary 'calculation' that I don't think we've ever been given any insight into what actually g...
Hey Dan, I think it's expected behavior to not have the + on text fields, but it's strange that you can't save that campaign. I haven't seen that issue before with EPs . I'm going ...
Hi Chelsea, if you create the SFDC campaign in SFDC and then add people to the campaign via flow steps, you can have a SFDC campaign associated with more than one Marketo program. ...
Hi Leslie, just to confirm.. you're trying to use these in RCE, correct? Unfortunately at this time that's the only place you can use this data.I will use them for many things, but...
Hey Tom,1. Marketo can track all touchpoints leading to a lead, but I would strongly recommend having timestamps for your critical things like MQL, SAL, SQL, revenue cycle transiti...
I'm trying to add the Opportunity Influence Analyzer to my SFDC opportunity layouts, by following this: How to add the Opportunity Influence Analyzer to your Salesforce Opportuniti...