Kim, I'd definitely suggest she try again in about 10 minutes (depending how long your sync takes). It does sound like the lead just hasn't synced yet.
Patrick, have you checked that list imports are allowed to update fields such as job title? This would be found under Admin > Field Management > Block updates from: List importThis...
We use GTW and have the same feedback as Allison! The integration is good enough for us, very easy to set up, and very easy to use on a regular basis without upkeep.
Hi Mindy, unfortunately I can't think of a report in Marketo that will show you the time/date of when a data value change occurred, except for reviewing the individual records. Add...
Hey Jessica, unfortunately there is no way to schedule these for a certain time, nor will you know when it will arrive on a specific day -- although I have found them to be relativ...
Hi Sarah, we use it to highlight times when Marketing has touched a prospect -- not when sales does. For all of these touches, an interesting moment is written.
Hi Nicole, we unapprove the landing pages, so that they can't fill out the form on a specific page. It sounds like that might work for this scenario as well?Also, after 6 months (I...