Thanks, Rachel. That's kind of the approach I was eyeballing ... as we were sending a 24-hour reminder as well. So send a reminder 1 day before appointment time, wait 23 hours, dep...
Got a lead attribute with date and time for an appointment. 8 appointment slots per day. Trying to set up a one-hour reminder so that 9am guy gets an alert at 8am. Not sure why I c...
"In case they re-enter in the future" -- a little confused on the durable unsubscribe concept. For all (at least that's the goal) digital points of entry -- ie forms -- we have rel...
Patrick, we have similar issues -- and, working for a sports org, it's even more important that deployment occurs on time. Coming from an Exact Target world, the processing lag has...
Not sure if this can be done out of the box, but anyone know if it's easily possible to create a report that looks at a particular groups' email engagement over time (last 90 days ...
Doesn't look like that's my sub-domain, but here's a very helpful initial response from support. Needless to say, it is not a pleasing reply.It is not uncommon to see some sporadic...