Hi Iiz,It's a good idea to move your post into "Products" for feature-related questions so your question can get more exposure. If a lead fills out a Marketo form, embedded or on a...
Hi Diego,Yes they will receive the email immediately after registering. There may be an easier way to do this, but the solution I have created is to create a smart list that contai...
Hi Ali,The above should work.I prefer to do it with the constraint being "if not clicked linked in email" then send email 2. Then the default choice is to do nothing.But I believe ...
http://connexity.com/open-positions/?p=job%2FoHQ42fwn DescriptionPosition at ConnexityWe're looking for Interns that have a passion for technology and are looking for a unique opp...
Judy,In addition to Sanford's question - please check your from and reply to address in your email.If any of those (especially if you are using tokens) are invalid, the sample emai...
Hank,What you have above is the correct behavior.The benefit that will be missed if you move to sending with outlook and BCC salesforce will be that you will lose the open and clic...
This is a good business question.Does membership equate with "paid customer"?If so, this is very close to creating attribution reporting for your entire instance.Here is a great re...