Sure, this can be tracked. But the whitepaper needs to exist on a Marketo LP (or a page with Munchkin tracking) so that those that click on the link to the PDF can be tracked. PDF ...
Do you a velocity script defined either within the program that contains this email; or at a higher-up parent folder (that the email could potentially inherit)? If so - and there's...
Thanks Janet. Just one item that wasn't addressed - and that's the default view/filter of ideas. Most of us are used to accessing the ideas section and see the latest ideas submitt...
Yuvraj, what makes you believe that the leads will not be able to be sent the email as a result of communication limits. Let's say you have your limits set to 1/day and 3/week. As ...
Communication limits affect all email communications - not just A/B testing. Those limits are defined by you (or your admin). Are you concerned because you often include your entir...
Back in 2015 - when Marketo changed the way it treats anonymous leads (essentially removing access to them until they become known), there was a lot of discussion on how Marketo wo...
Here's another potential bug: The "Discussions" area is where I mainly live when I'm in the Community. But I no longer see a "start a discussion" link that used to appear in the le...