I'm very familiar with the A/B testing capabilities within the Email Program. We don't use email programs for a variety of reasons. We stick with regular Marketo programs. We have ...
First, are you sure the API form properly created the leads in Marketo? Probably a stupid question, but thought I'd ask. Also, since you did include a querystring as part of the th...
Sorry, Alisa - I provided incorrect info above. Only links within emails require the full http:// prototcol in the constraint value. How you have it is correct.As for the the data ...
One item I quickly noticed that you'll need to correct is the "Link Name" constraint. For links in emails and web pages, you need to include the full URL (including the http:// pro...
Marketo Support has very little insight into user logs/activity. Just the other month, I noticed that an entire folder of active programs was accidentally moved to the Archive fold...
I think the community would agree with me - especially those members of global organizations - that the image management capabilities in Marketo is severely lacking and could use a...
Yeah, this is definitely not suited for a global enterprise like us. We have over 800 programs across 24 workspaces (each program has on average 3 campaigns).