Pierce, have you tested these templates in Outlook - specifically when users have adjusted their windows scaling settings? We, too, have developed responsive templates - but since ...
Emily - you're correct - this is not available on the account or opportunity entity in MS Dynamics. We, too, were told all of the SFDC capabilities existed in MS Dynamics when we w...
Olivia, yes they are setup just like regular programs(which is why we use them instead of emails - specifically for tracking program status/success within each; and supporting our ...
Josh, a couple points:
You cannot use an email that's not local to an Email Program. When you choose your email, it will only look for emails within the local program. Your first b...
Just last week, I was wondering what happened to Jon Miller (Marketo's founder) - and just today, I came across this: http://techcrunch.com/2015/04/08/marketo-founder-raises-10m-fo...
Yeah, it does seem that there have been a variety of issues with the cloning of programs across workspaces ever since Marketo allowed programs to be cloned across workspaces. I thi...
We always keep our emails local within each program (the only thing in Design Studio are shared email templates; and common operational emails). We also never use the Email Program...
Here's an example of one of the streams in an EP that consists of four emails:While the EP logic will ensure no lead receives an email if a lead is already a member of a program, w...
In addtion to what Dory stated, since our email programs (regular programs, not a Marketo Email Program) within an EP are separate from our website programs (where we track engagem...
Many of our "leads" in Marketo that get fast-tracked to MQL status (often as a result of attending an event) are actually aligned to an existing opportunity - especially since we a...