I recommend you first go through the "Getting Started" documentation (https://docs.marketo.com/display/public/DOCS/Getting+Started ), and then the Email Marketing section (https://...
I hear ya - understood. However, I do feel a bit more confident this time since members of the Marketo product team have reached out to me directly to ensure they are crystal clear...
Small correction: the error that we're receiving is "Program clone failed - A REPORT with that name already exists; please choose another name". Which makes no sense at all. As lon...
Wow - very interesting. This is the old interface for Marketo (prior to the current interface that went live in early 2014, I believe), but even I don't recognize these Microsoft o...
Are you sure you're selecting the right program status from the list? Be careful here because the program status values of this specific filter will list EVERY program status withi...