Got it - that's clear. Very similar to how we exclude specific leads from appearing in our reporting (employees, competitors, test accounts, etc.). Instead of filtering by smart li...
Your best bet is to separate this data in your spreadsheet prior to importing into Marketo. Here's one of many guides online:
Last I heard (this week), they are still negotiating the hotel in Las Vegas. Based on the size of the event, I would imagine it would need to be at a hotel that has a significant a...
You can select specific landing pages/emails by holding down the CTRL key (Windows) or COMMAND key (Mac). But this view unfortunately does not provide those assets that were affect...
Marketo vaguely allows you to see which assets use a particular snippet. Look under "used by". It will show the names of the asset (landing page, email), but not the program. And y...
Are we talking about the US here? If not, your best bet - and to remain compliant with the variety of data privacy/spam laws - is to explicitly ask for their permission again (and ...
hmm, then you may need to get creative like you included in your original post (although, unless you have a small DB, I'm always hesitant when I hear someone wanting to send someth...