But if we use "member of any EP" as a filter, the users will receive content of all EPs that they're members of. Let's say a lead engages with our Cloud content and gets added to t...
Ok, got it. Your use cases are much different than ours. We build campaign/subject-specific EPs that align to the types of campaigns we have active at any given moment. For example...
Agree with Stijn here in that using programs instead of simple emails within an EP offers so much more flexibility. Since our reporting is so focused on program membership, it allo...
For your first question, AP is the program that is responsible for acquiring that lead in Marketo. In our situation, when we upload lists for an email campaign, for example, we lea...
There's an existing idea around this - but it's from 2013 () and I don't feel it's getting the visibility needed to get Marketo's product team to once again consider "fixing" this ...
Hi Roger - As I mentioned above, we use Marketo programs instead of emails in our engagement programs. It's very similar to using simple emails, except you're adding the smart camp...
"Click Email" is one of the columns in the Email Performance Report. It simply indicates how many unique leads clicked on a link in the email. It's used to determine click-thru rat...
See my reply in this thread - How do we show specific images to specific leads within an email?- where I give an example that uses several tokens to dynamically populate various el...
Sure, just create a custom field in Marketo and add it to your form. ADMIN > FIELD MANAGEMENT (we use type: text, instead of string to allow more flexibility of the length of the r...