Enable personalized landing pages for PURLs - without requiring the leads to be cookied first

Enable personalized landing pages for PURLs - without requiring the leads to be cookied first

There's an existing idea around this - but it's from 2013 () and I don't feel it's getting the visibility needed to get Marketo's product team to once again consider "fixing" this (since commenting on existing ideas doesn't resurface them to the top of the list).  Jeff Coveney​ does a great job summarizing it here: Using PURLs and Direct Mail?  I also started a discussion here: Undesired behavior when using Personalized URLs PURLs.  In summary, when using PURLs for direct mail tactics - which is how PURLs are used primarily - a user that enters the PURL address and is taken to a Marketo landing page, will not be able to be identified by Marketo unless that lead has already been cookied by Marketo (even though the lead is in Marketo).  And therefore, we have no ability to personalize the intended experience.  As Jeff said, this shouldn't be a feature request, but rather a bug fix.

Pierce Ujjainwalla

Level 10

Fully agreed 🙂


Level 3


Not applicable

I'm looking into this. Stay tuned.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Note the descriptions of the problem are not all accurate.  Which is not to deny there is unexpected, often deal-breaking behavior.

Not applicable

Did you fix it yet?

Not applicable

Not yet. I'm hoping to get this on the roadmap for early next year. I'll update the group once I have more info.

Level 3

did it get fixed?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

It should be coming soon (maybe with the Spring release) as it was announced at Summit.  See the final two comments in this thread:

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Hi Christina Fuentealba​ - what is the status of this?  Last time you/I talked, this was going to be available shortly after Summit.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas