We have a history field used to store web page activity, which is then displayed in our real-time alerts:It’s a text field (not string) and looks like this in the Marketo:Even thou...
You bring up some valid points, Pavel - and when using multiple partitions/workspaces, it must be a well-planned out effort where all of these "gotchas" may occur. And yes, it can ...
Jonathan - If I understand correctly, you have the default workspace/partition and then three additional workspaces (CAN, EMEA and APAC) - for a total of four workspaces? You may b...
Do you have a subject line defined?Do you have a proper footer/disclaimer (with Unsubscribe link) at the bottom of the email?Have you whitelisted Marketo IP addresses with your int...
We were hoping to leverage single emails for our global email sends - once they announced "Recipient Time Zone" (Fall Release: Sending emails based on recipient timezone! ) - but s...
As Sanford mentioned, once you deploy a preference center, you really need to ensure each and every one of your programs/email-send campaigns have the required filters to make sure...
I realize this is an older thread, but here’s a great explanation from Paul Wilson on why this is happening (at least on the MS Dynamics side - and suspect it’s the same for SFDC)...