Christina, what many fail to realize is that when using choices in flow steps of a smart campaign, there is no direct connection/alignment to the specific triggers in the smart lis...
Great post, Michelle! The other "consent" piece that isn't mentioned here is around cookie consent (e.g., Munchkin tracking). IMO, this can potentially have the biggest impact on h...
I’m with Gerard here - what’s the purpose of the form submit if you already know who the person is? Better off just changing appropriate data values within the lead record.
You might be over-thinking this a bit. Why not just use a single trigger with the querystring and referrer constraints? NOTE: the "referrer" when used with this trigger, refers to ...
It's first necessary to understand how Marketo determines the active record when duplicates exist. See this post for more detail: Re: If duplicate leads are an issue, be aware of h...
Hi Robb - the thought here makes sense, but don't forget, these bots will often click on the links and then - if the scanner doesn't throw the email into quarantine/junk - the emai...
Mike Reynolds, can you comment on this (as well as my question of "replays" at the bottom of this thread: Anonymous Lead Upgrades – Under The Hood)? For example, I don't want to st...
I feel like this is a result of us using images and files as "single time use"I think a lot of us feel the same way. Which is why it would be ideal for Marketo to allow images to b...