We are doing a POC to block Marketo lead tracking when performance cookies are blocked on the site. There is documentation available for this on https://developers.marketo.com/java...
Here's an existing idea that might fit the bill:https://nation.marketo.com/t5/ideas/allow-multiple-levels-and-or-nested-conditional-logic-choices/idi-p/256917
We use PMCFs extensively - primarily for capturing utm parameters at the program level. Unfortunately, we're limited as to how we can use these values. It would be ideal if PMCFs c...
Denise - FYI, this is now available:
Great video - Like you mentioned, I just wish Marketo would provide reporting capabilities on PMCFs. Capturing the data is great, but if you can't report on it (aside from the API)...
It boggles my mind that this isn't automated yet (this idea is 5 years old!). Especially when we want to do more non-email focused nurture flows. This is a perfect example where on...
PMCFs sound great on paper, but once it stores the data into the program - and your use case is a perfect example - you can't report on it. For example, using RCE (program membersh...
We have that capability as well. It's not out-of-the-box, but is very easy to create. Here's the alert:
This token will give you the GUID of the record in D365:{{lead.SFDC Lead ...
This token supports D365 as well. I can see how this would be confusing based on the name of this token. But here's what's displayed when included in an alert (highlighted section)...