Good Afternoon All!We have set up a referral form as you see below:We have created 4 fields which is what you see under the "Your information" form section above to display who the...
Hello all,Situation:We have a contact us form that us used multiple times on our across our website with the same form ID. It is used on external web pages. We want to be able to d...
Hi Sanford,Would I have our developer put that whole code just like it is with the asterisks and everything in the form we have embedded on multiple external web pages?
Hi Kenny,I tried that and it doesn't populate the field. It would be an external web page that we want to populate the field with because the form is on an external web page. Any i...
Hello Everyone!We are looking at creating a field that will grab the web page the form was filled out on. We then would like to add this as a token in and alert that goes to sales ...
Hello Everyone,I need your help on this one. We have a contact us form that us used multiple times on our across our website. The same form ID. We want to be able to drag a token i...
Hello Everyone!I really need your help on this one. Question:Does anyone know how to create a program token that would create a new line if added to inbetween tokens. I am looking ...