Hi Hadley,I have not had the time yet to try a hidden field that Sanford suggested. This is the only thing that seems like it would work. You can find that conversation below:https...
Hello Everyone!Need some help with this one. Having some web lead routing issues.Background:We use Lead Auto-Assignment rules in Salesforce for new leads to our database (not pre-e...
I have a couple further questions.Josh:Thank you. I will have to take your suggestion into consideration, research some more, and test.
Could you explain a little bit more on how ...
Hi Sanford,I am looking for the same solution but minus code. I wanted to find out if it can be accomplished without code and a hidden field because I am trying to avoid more work ...
Hi Sarah,Thanks for the response. Yes the form is on many external web pages and that is why it is not ideal for us to create that many separate alerts/smart campaigns/filters per ...
Kim: Rebekkah is spot on why we have a work email address and a home email address. We don't want to have two separate leads that are the same except they have different email addr...