It needs to be tab delimited for these versions of Excel. Interesting that the newer version of Excel that Tofa is using is correctly importing the character encoding.
You can edit the file format of the subscription data:You can associate those kinds of files to directly open in Excel, or you can open the file directly in Excel.
You need to download the file as a Tab Delimited txt:Then, your computer will probably open the file in a text editor. Copy this text and paste it into your favourite spreadsheet p...
Hey Andy,Sure - at the top of the code you can declare variables, including numbers. <meta class="mktoNumber" id="spacerSize" mktoName="Main Text Font Size" default="12" min="8" ma...
Have you hardcoded the pixel dimensions into the spacer?You could make the spacer a variable that draws on user input, and you could select the default setting to be small enough t...
Hi Vibha,I have only selected one page to connect to so I can't help you with question 1. Perhaps;- When you setup the Facebook account in Admin / Launchpoint, you get the option o...
Hmmmmm... depends what you mean by uneditable. You're right, I don't think you could have a piece of code that isn't surrounded by module tags, and therefore drag-and-droppable int...
I'm still confused I think.Wouldn't you just design a template with the items you want users to be able to change as "mktEditable" classes and the areas you don't want them to chan...