I use it for conditional content a lot using the IF/ELSE functionality.ie, IF product = xyzprint some info here...ELSE product = abcprint something else here. I generally find it's...
It seems to be a typo in the documentation. It should be:"You can also use the Email Preview to test your script. To do so, you must select View As: Lead Detail, and OR select a le...
Just on this point, how does one iterate over an object in the scripting panel.I just tried#foreach ($x in {object_cList.get(0).fullName})<li>$x</li>#endbut couldn't figure it out ...
I'm confused. I think Jamie is correct in saying that if you select the "List" or "Lead" section of the email preview, the email is constructed and you can view the preview as you ...
When you say "regions you segment by", do you mean you have set up a Marketo Segmentation using these criteria, or just that you are segmenting your leads as a typical internal bus...